[Zope] POSKeyerror
Pascal Samuzeau
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:46:12 +0100
------------------- =20
> | Odes=EDlatel: Pascal Samuzeau <samuzeau@oreka.com> =20
> | I try to re-index my zope'site. When cataloging I have this =20
following =20
> | error. So, I read the zope'list about this error. I have run =20
fsrecover =20
> | on my Data.fs, but it tolds me OK, nothing is damages and nothing=20
> | change in recopy. =20
> =20
> You have problem with portal_catalog. =20
> =20
> 1. Which metadata you have defined =20
> 2. do you have same filename as some internal variable or index/meta
type? =20
> 3. it is standard catalog (ie., you do not change meta nor index =20
etc)? =20
> =20
> First check filenames you used. =20
> =20
> Regards JL. =20
> =20
Cordialement =20
PS =20
-------------------------------------------------- =20
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