[Zope] Training My Users
Schmidt, Allen J.
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 12:55:39 -0400
We use the term 'bussed' as in: "I had better document this in case I get
bussed" -- run over by a bus. Seems appropriate sometimes...
I posted this to the list a while back but since then a new version has come
out. I use a tool to create Viewlets...step-by-step screen captures with
call-outs and text balloons to fully show software procedures. The old
version used Java and its own structure for the presentation. Worked great
on Windows boxes but was flaky on other platforms. The new version generates
pure Flash .swf files. Just upload them into Zope and link them in and away
you go! Very nice accompaniment to printed docs or manuals. And, you can
even print out the slides in a "Powerpointy" way. Very handy.
The free version is fully functional with a watermark of the company's logo
on it. And the Viewlets created with the free version can be compiled with
the licensed version with no change. Half price for educational
Worth a look. I'd love to see several Zope product how-tos done with
http://www.Qarbon.com (pronounced "Carbon", I think)
Have fun!
-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
Fearless Froggie
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 12:42 PM
To: Zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] Training My Users
> I'm going to be teaching a course to get some people
started using Zope.
I haven't (yet) had to teach anybody to use zope, but
I have had to teach others how to use other web based
content management systems. Two things really helped
1) Create a step by step manual that explains exactly
how to do all the tasks you want them to be able to
do. I found that what was really painfully detailed
for me, was barely adequete for them. What's really
obvious to you, won't be adequete to them. And PRINT
IT OUT! That way they can make notes, etc, while
you're explaining things to them.
I found that creating that manual took forever, but
it's helpful in case I get run over by a bus tomorrow,
and it gives users something to consult when they have
2) I just show users what they need to know and try to
remove the clutter. That way they're less confused.
I don't know if that's the kind of information you're
looking for, but maybe it'll be helpful.
Rita Mikusch
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