[Zope] Re: TAL: getting container of template

Jochen Haeberle listen@midras.de
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 00:40:26 +0200

At 16:48 Uhr -0500 02.09.2002, Evan Simpson wrote:
>Jochen Haeberle wrote:
>>although the TAELS Overview in the Zope help states that the built 
>>in name container  refers to "The folder in which the template is 
>>located", obviously the container of the object the tamplate is 
>>applied to is returned.
>"Obviously"?  (scribbles some quick test code...) Nope, it's the 
>template container, as documented.

I would not like to argue with you on this ;-) But how do you test for this???

<span tal:replace="container">test</span> gives <Folder Instance at###>

<span tal:replace="container/absolute_url">test</span> gives the url 
to the object the template is applied to...

What should I do to get a vh-enabled url to the container of my template???

>>I tried to get to URLPATHn or other veriables off the request 
>>object as described in the docu thrugh the tal-name "request" but 
>>to no avail is this something different or do I need to use some 
>>sort of accessor on these???
>It should work fine like this:
><span tal:replace="request/URLPATH1">The path</span>

Mhmm.. don't know, how I spoiled that one... sorry ;-)

>Evan @ 4-am

Thanks for shedding some light...
