[Zope] Interpreting dynamically generated TAL

tomas@fabula.de tomas@fabula.de
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 19:03:59 +0200


it's me again, this time trying to interpret dynamically generated
TAL (yes, we convinced our customer to go TAL, at least in this

The setting: we generate TAL from a source XML via XSLT. Now
we want to render it. I had a look into PageTemplates.py, and
that's what I've come up with:

 |    def edit_zpt(self, REQUEST = None, RESPONSE = None,
 |                 extra_bindings={},
 |                 ishtml=1,
 |                ):
 |        """
 |        Whack Art.
 |        """
 |        # Snarfgled from $(ZOPEDIR)/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates/PageTemplate.py
 |        text = self.edit(REQUEST, RESPONSE)
 |        # ---------------------------- compile template:
 |        gen = TALGenerator(getEngine(), not ishtml)
 |        if ishtml: parser = HTMLTALParser(gen)
 |        else:      parser = TALParser(gen)
 |        errors = ()
 |        try:
 |            parser.parseString(text)
 |            program, macros = parser.getCode()
 |        except:
 |            raise PTRuntimeError, 'Page Template %s has errors: [%s: %s]' \
 |               % ((self, ) + sys.exc_info()[:2])
 |        warnings = parser.getWarnings()
 |        # ---------------------------- get Zope context:
 |        c = {'template': self,
 |             'options': {},
 |             'nothing': None,
 |             'request': None,
 |             'modules': ModuleImporter,
 |             }
 |        parent = getattr(self, 'aq_parent', None)
 |        if parent is not None:
 |            c['here'] = parent
 |            c['container'] = self.aq_inner.aq_parent
 |            while parent is not None:
 |                self = parent
 |                parent = getattr(self, 'aq_parent', None)
 |            c['root'] = self
 |        c.update(extra_bindings)
 |        output = StringIO()
 |        TALInterpreter(program, macros,
 |                       getEngine().getContext(c),
 |                       output,
 |#                      debug=1,
 |                      )()
 |#### FIXME: what do we do with those?  ## tal=not source, strictinsert=0 ##
 |        return output.getvalue()

The compiler seems happy, the interpreter doesn't barf either, but it doesn't
replace a thing. It passes input verbatim to output. Am I missing anything
obvious? Am I trying --again-- the impossible?

Thanks for any pointers
-- tomas