[Zope] Re: [Plone-users] Use of psyco to speed up zope/plone

Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca Jean-Francois.Doyon@CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Wed Aug 6 17:01:51 EDT 2003


Interesting! I'm going to give it a try, anything to speed up my Zope is
good :)

Though I haven't benchmarked, I've just tried running it, and got a warning
in my zope log file:

y:670: warning: eval()/execfile() cannot see the locals in functions bound
by Psyco; consider using eval() in its two- or three-arguments form
  def atom_string(self, nodelist):

I'm guessing this isn't a problem per say, but simply something that psyco
can't optimize.

Man, it's not an official benchmark, but it DOES seem to be noticeably
faster from just my using my site!

Thanks for this!


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Harris [mailto:phil@harris-family.info]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 11:13 AM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] Re: [Plone-users] Use of psyco to speed up zope/plone


I tried it and get similar speedups as you.

Just adding my 2c.


On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 07:57:43 -0600, <shane@bogomip.com> wrote:

> recently I added two linesas a test to my zope-z2 file, above all else
> import psyco
> psyco.profile()
> my access times locally went from 2.4 seconds to list a plone directory 
> w/ my own template, to around .8 seconds.
> Anybody else feel like giving thisa shot.. maybe we can get some real 
> benchmarks on this?
> hardwire
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