[Zope] Serving file from the local file system

J Cameron Cooper jccooper at jcameroncooper.com
Tue Dec 2 15:24:37 EST 2003

Matthew Thorley wrote:

>I am interested in serving files (such as index_dtml) from the local 
>filesystem so that I can export that file system with nfs and allow multiple 
>people to work with the file ect. I have tried two products LocalFS-0.10.1, 
>and FSFolder-0-1-2. Neither product seems to do exactly what I want.
Look also at


I'm not certain how these deal with changes to the file that don't 
involve Zope. I think ExternalFile should behave as you want, and maybe 
FSS (it may require a refresh, though--you'll have to check.)

LocalFS should also behave as you expect, but I don't know if it handles 
templates: I've only used it for content.


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