[Zope] ssl zope http/https

Michael Dunstan michael at elyt.com
Tue Dec 2 16:08:38 EST 2003

On 2/12/2003, at 6:25 PM, Joshua Newman wrote:

> 2. Is there another way to set the links (or better--the pages and
> folders) to be ssl besides the greatly appreciated but apparently
> somewhat limited SSLAbsoluteURL format or manually changing each of the
> links? All of my links are in the format:
> a href="/root/somewhere/index_html">foo</a
> and don't find https and I'd rather not change them all if I can help 
> it.
> 3. If I remove the 's' from 'https' after following one of my
> encrypted links I can still get the page unencrypted (i.e.http://...). 
> Is
> there any way to stop this? It seems to defeat the purpose of
> encryption.

One solution is to write an access rule that redirects an incoming http 
request to the https equivalent url. Then use this access rule in any 
of the folders that you wont to be accessed only via https.

Such an access rule would look something like

     if not request.environ.get('HTTPS',None):
         url = 'https://' + request.HTTP_HOST + request.PATH_INFO
         if request.QUERY_STRING:
             url += '?' + request.QUERY_STRING
         response.redirect( url, status=301, lock=1 )


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