[Zope] kill LONG request and manage_main DoS?

Jaroslav Lukesh lukesh at seznam.cz
Mon Dec 8 04:10:23 EST 2003

Dear all,

today I was look to my zope linux server and see that have one long running
process (10 days!) and one python process consume me near 100% of CPU
power. I was manage this page 10 days before.

Does somebody know how to kill this request? It is safe to kill PID of this
process, or is possible to kill request at zope level? I dont want to
restart my zope server.

And in other side, calling manage_main for some kind of objects is not pure
safe? I was encounter problems with calling manage_main to ZipFolder and
DTML documents (it tooks few minutes via modem and downloads from server
few MB).

Many thanks,

J. Lukesh

/Control_Panel/DebugInfo/manage_main says me:

Fri Nov 28 15:27:35 2003 (843045.90s) 

({'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, deflate', 'channel.creation_time':
1070029655, 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.1', 'SERVER_PORT': '888',
'PATH_INFO': '/cz/zima/index.htm/manage_main', 'HTTP_HOST': 'www.XXXXX.cz',
'/cz/zima/index.htm/manage_main', 'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'application/vnd.ms-excel,
application/msword, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
*/*', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'Zope/(Zope 2.5.1 (binary
release, python 2.1, linux2-x86), python 2.1.3, linux2) ZServer/1.1b1',
'REMOTE_ADDR': '',  'SERVER_NAME': 'webproxy',
(compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)', 'CONNECTION_TYPE': 'Keep-Alive'},
{'RESPONSE': ZServerHTTPResponse(''), 'ql_meta_types': '[]', 'PUBLISHED':
<DTMLFile instance at 836a240>, 'ukazceloucestu': 'ne', 'PARENTS':
[<DTMLDocument instance at 9146610>, <Folder instance at 8dcf6e8>,
<ZipFolder instance at 911e088>, <Folder instance at 8def950>, <Folder
instance at 8d0ec28>, <Folder instance at 8e318a0>, <Application instance
at 8e6e2d0>], 'rev': [], 'traverse_subpath': [], 'SERVER_URL':
'http://www.XXXXXXXX.cz', 'VirtualRootPhysicalPath': ('', 'servery',
'cz.XXXXXX'), 'URL': 'http://www.XXXXXX.cz/cz/zima/index.htm/manage_main',
'AUTHENTICATED_USER': Anonymous User, 'TraversalRequestNameStack': []})

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