[Zope] Re: [Plone-users] Creating DBTab mountpoint inside a Plone site produces a ConflictError

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Wed Dec 10 13:51:57 EST 2003

Heimo Laukkanen wrote at 2003-12-9 14:09 +0200:
>I've been playing with Ape and just hit my head to wall, when trying to 
>create an DBTab mountpoint to inside a Plone site. Creating mountpoint and 
>using posgtgres as a database works - if I put mountpoint to the root 
>level, but trying to get the mountpoint inside Plone-site fails.
> ...
>Module apelib.zodb3.storage, line 156, in store
>ConflictError: (1L,) already exists

Looks like something tries to insert a database record with primary
key "1L" and such a record already exists.


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