[Zope] Traversing question

fowlertrainer at anonym.hu fowlertrainer at anonym.hu
Mon Dec 15 11:09:58 EST 2003

Hello zope,

  I have to all requests are handled by only one method/zpt.

  I set the access rule like this:

rq.set("MainPath",s) # debug
if (s<>'/manage') and (s<>'/'):
 from string import split
 rq.set("MainPath",l) # debug
  <--- I try to the Zope get
       this object, and not the original URL

but it have failed.

When I try with:


I want to this request are stored into MainPath ("/o"), and the Zope
don't drop an error, but it is get the default index_html, and process

But it is drop the error:

Site Error
An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
Resource not found
Sorry, the requested resource does not exist.
Check the URL and try again.
Resource: o GET

What I can do to prevent the error, and redirect the process to the
main index_html ???

Thanx for any advance !!!


Best regards,
 fowlertrainer                          mailto:fowlertrainer at anonym.hu

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