[Zope] Protect subobjects/subtemplates

fowlertrainer at anonym.hu fowlertrainer at anonym.hu
Wed Dec 17 03:34:13 EST 2003

Hello !

I want to protect my Zope files, and objects from anybody to see them, or
get the structure of my site.

The problem is that:

The site is like this:

 folder1 > many subobjects
 folder2 > many subobjects
 folder3 > many subobjects
 folderN > many subobjects

I want to handle all of the requests with one file, the index_html.


 is valid, every other request is invalid.

Because the site have many objects, I use subfolders to separate them.
But I don't want to anybody stranger see these folders, or the objects in in.

Now if I write this:


then the Zope don't drop an error message, but search for the root's
index_html, and load it. It is not too good for me.

Or it is trying:

http://%root%/MS_BuildLeftMenu // this is an zpt object, a subcomp

and the Zope is evaluate this object for the outer request.

Have the Zope an object property what prevent these effects ?

I want to create perfect handled site, and I don't want to anybody
access subcomponents/subobjects/subresults, and get the site structure
or an information about working methods.

I want to use this site with one public main script, what call the subobjects
that hided from the outer requests.

How can I do that ?


Best regards,
 fowlertrainer                          mailto:fowlertrainer at anonym.hu

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