SV: [Zope] Uploading audio mp3

Børge Kjeldstad borge.kjeldstad at
Wed Dec 17 08:46:14 EST 2003

Hello Terry and thanks for your answer!

On Friday, November 28, 2003, at 02:53  PM, Terry Hancock wrote:

> On Friday 28 November 2003 04:25 am, Børge Kjeldstad wrote:
>> I have tried to upload some mp3 music files to my zope
> This is probably not directly related, but I had a lot of trouble when

> I tried to do this (the files were just too big for Zope File objects 
> to handle reliably -- at least on the hardware I was working with).  I

> found it to be a lot easier to set up a LocalFS and access such large 
> files from the filesystem.
> My first thought was that your problem was related
> to server-load issues like this.  Your follow-up suggests that's not 
> true, but I still recommend LocalFS for this kind of thing.
> There's also a *Streaming* version of LocalFS, which,
> IIRC, is the one I'm using.
> Cheers,
> Terry

Now I have installed LocalFS and tried to play the songs from the file
system, but unfortunately that did not solve my problem with a short
in the song shortly after it started to play..

I have also followed Marc's advices (thanks for those!) and increased
size of my TMP file. Further I tried to see if and how my IE
clients loading of the plugin to play back mp3 format could affect the
of the song, but I was unable to find out anything about this plugin or
how it

However, you mentioned a *Streaming* version of LocalFS you were using.
Could you please tell me which one that is? I tried to use this one:

but this one did not seem to reckognize any mp3 files on my filesystem..



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