[Zope] Zope Roadmap

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Sat Dec 20 12:31:35 EST 2003

--On Samstag, 20. Dezember 2003 17:15 Uhr +0100 Andre Meyer 
<a.meyer at hccnet.nl> wrote:

> Hi Zopers
> While developing with Zope 2.6.2 and Python 2.3.2 in different projects
> I was wondering what the state of future releases of Zope would be. Zope
> 2.7 is promised to support Python 2.3 which would be nice. Zope 3's
> component architecture would be even nicer!

Python 2.3.2 is *required* since a longer period of time for Zope 2.7.

> Looking at the information at http://dev.zope.org/Projects/ it is not
> clear how far the coming releases are. For example I read: "Zope 2.7 is
> tentatively planned to be released in Q1 2003.". What does this mean?

ZC promised to released it soon (This issue has been discussed a bunch
of times on the list in the past).

> Can somebody give an up-to-date indication of what we can expect when?
> Any help needed with the development? ;-)

It's done when it is done. Stay tuned.


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