[Zope] I've a question about PHParser

Gabriel Genellina gagenellina at softlab.com.ar
Fri Dec 26 18:18:31 EST 2003

At 26/12/2003 12:11, you wrote:

>I've a question. I'm trying to execute a simple PHP script in my Zope 
>environment (just to try the functionality). I've created a PHParser 
>object and I changed the path in the PHParser .py source according to the 
>path where I installed executable PHP. But when I try to execute it I get 
>the following error:
>'D:\Program Files\PHP\php.exe' may not be a PHP-CGI program. The result 
>from the program is empty(0 byte).

Read carefully the installation instructions of PHParser 
And there is a specific list for PHParser/PHPGateway users, surely you'll 
get more feedback there: phparser-subscribe at ied.cn

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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