[Zope] Problems with rights of a folder
Dylan Reinhardt
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 08:17:13 -0800
The Zope superuser is not equivalent to the Unix "root" user.
While logged in as superuser, create a user with Manager=20
privileges. That's pretty much all the superuser does.
Re-login as your Manager and see if that doesn't fix the problem.
At 11:41 PM 2/5/2003, Kumpfm=FCller, Tobias wrote:
>My problem is, I accidentally canceled all authorisations to a folder.
>Currently I can=B4t open this folder, even when I=B4m logged as superuser.=
>question is, how can i log in again into this folder?
>AVAG Holding AG
>Tobias Kumpfm=FCller
>Robert-Bosch-Str. 7
>86167 Augsburg
>Phone: +49-821-74017-32
>Fax: +49-821-742083
>eMail: tobias.kumpfmueller@avag.de <mailto:tobias.kumpfmueller@avag.de>
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