[Zope] Where is the current SOAP action in Zope?
Jens Wolk
Sun, 9 Feb 2003 19:15:13 +0100
Am Sonntag, 9. Februar 2003 17:24 schrieb Jens Wolk:
> I'd prefer to handle the SOAP message myself (with one of the given
> libraries, that is). However, I seem not to be able to get at the SOAP
> message as such which I could feed to the WebService classes. A month ago
> there was a thread on this Mailing List, in which you suggested to access
> REQUEST['BODY']. However, this seems never to be defined (KeyError). (The
> Request object seems to be healthy.)
I didn't realize that this key is not defined if the REQUEST object comes from
a 'normal' request (by Browser or a form with GET/POST method). Should work
on my background knowledge ...
For this reason, it is safer to use REQUEST.get('BODY').
Just out of curiosity: I still don't understand where BODY gets set (or not).
Yours. Jens Wolk