[Zope] Confusion over Acquisition, permissions, etc.
Samir Mishra
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:49:44 +0400
After playing around with this a bit more, it seems I can create a folder in
"child" ONLY if a folder with that name does not exist in "parent". I can
create the folders I need in "parent" only AFTER they're first created in
I'd provided partial code in my last email, only to keep things simple. I
may be better off providing all of the script. The actual code for
"add1folder" is as below (it's an adaptation of code found elsewhere) -
Add single folder along with manager/user programmatically to current folder
folderName = folderList[0] #folderList is a parameter being passed to script
folderTitle = folderList[1]
currentFolder = context
## I suspect the test below is what's giving me the problem...
if not hasattr(curFolder, folderName):
currentFolder.manage_addFolder(folderName, folderTitle, 1, 1)
## create the folder
newFolder = getattr(currentFolder, folderName)
## create new manager in folder
managerName = "".join([folderName, "_mgr"])
managerPass = "".join([folderName, "#mgr"])
newFolder.acl_users.userFolderAddUser(managerName, managerPass,
["Manager"], [])
## AND I also want to define a new role here, something else I haven't
## been able to figure out
return 1
return 0
Thanks very much.
-----Original Message-----
From: Samir Mishra [mailto:SamirMishra@cbuae.gov.ae]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 13:10
To: 'zope@zope.org'
Subject: [Zope] Confusion over Acquisition, permissions, etc.
Hello all,
I have /parent/child defined as 2 folders off root.
I have the following script named "add1folder" in /parent.
context.manage_addFolder(folderName, folderTitle, 1, 1)
I call the script through a DTML method named "add_folder".
So when I access the URL /parent/add_folder, it creates the appropriate
folder for me.
I log in as Manager in /parent/child (different acl_users folder in child)
and try and run the above script as /parent/child/add_folder to create the
same set of folders but it doesn't work.
What do I need to do to get this to work the way I want, i.e., call
"add1folder" while in /parent/child?
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