[Zope] Superfast PageTemplates: Call for expertise
Thomas Guettler
Thomas Guettler <thomas@thomas-guettler.de>
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:13:47 +0100
On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 08:02:05PM +0200, Bo M. Maryniuck wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 February 2003 19:50, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> > I use the following code to produce HTML in my small python product
> > OOPServer:
> Wispering: embedding HTML into the PyScript is ugly and it is Bad Idea TM,
> which is cames from the rubblish lister AKA Perl or [P]ornographic
> [H]ypertext [P]rocessor.
The goal to seperate content and logic is good and should always kept
in mind, but somewhere you need to paint your data. That's why I have
a base class which has nearly no HTML in it and a subclass which does
render the data.
Thomas Guettler <guettli@thomas-guettler.de>