[Zope] Creating an e-mail interface for issue tracker...

george donnelly list@zettai.net
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 21:23:29 -0500

[Meehan, Francois wrote (Francois@iecholden.com) on 2/19/03 7:39 PM]

> Hi all,
> I have been looking for an open source issue tracking/Help desk solution for
> quite some time.
> My requirements are:

take a look at zwiki's mailin features and the how to make a zwiki tracker
at zwiki.org

george donnelly - http://zettai.net/ - "We Love Newbies" :)
Zope Hosting - Dynamic Website Design - Search Engine Promotion
Yahoo, AIM: zettainet - ICQ: 51907738 - e:george@zettai.net