[Zope] Re: [Webcrew] Re: [Exuserfolder-users] Help with exUserfolder( CVS - postgres auth ) and Groupuserfolder ( CVS ) - a showstopper 'bug'

Heimo Laukkanen huima@iki.fi
Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:41:31 +0300

Andrew Kenneth Milton wrote:

> Plone/CMF causes infinite loops in some cases with XUF and property sources,
> since CMF has it's own User object. I don't know about GRUF.

Gruf defines it's own User GRUFUser-object but haven't yet looked into 
the internals of that. Could you elaborate more what are / were the 
points that cause a non standard userobject to cause infinite loops?

> Tried using the Group source of XUF instead of using GRUF?

Not yet. I started to work with GRUF, since it will be included in Plone 
1.1 and on our project we would like to use as much as possible standard 
bits and pieces - especially since GRUF requires no additional work to 
the application to make groups work.

But I will have to give a try to the group source and see how it works.

> If you get some better traces of WHY it's calling listUsers over and over
> again, we might be able to work out what's going on.

Any pointers on what to do - ie. where to log or set tracepoints, since 
the exact same context ( portal / folder / user ) provides these delays 
depending on whether I have gruf + pgAuthSource or just pgauthsource or 
Gruf and some other authsource on exUserFolder.
