[Zope] button instead of textlink and checking selection

Paul Williams paul@maximpact.net
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 13:38:48 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Michael,

if your clients are assumed to be better than Netscape 4.x (ie canb 
understand http1.1) then I suggest:

<form action="&dtml-URL1;/pending_asset" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="asset_id" value="&dtml-asset_id;">

<dtml-if "SERVER_PROTOCOL == 'HTTP/1.1'">
 <button type="submit"><img src="im/exclaim.gif" alt="more info" 
width="14" height="14" border="0"></button>
<input type="submit" "name="submit" value="PENDING">

OK, this isn't wrapped around the <dtml> you need, but chris' first answer 
should be enough.

This allows you to have better buttons than the crap submit button from 
