[Zope] Squid vs Apache+mod_proxy+mod_gzip

sean.upton@uniontrib.com sean.upton@uniontrib.com
Mon, 09 Jun 2003 08:55:56 -0700

Another logging option for Squid: we log with log_mime_headers on, which
dumps a rather verbose log, but we filter this to combined format for later
use and archival.  Only catch is that Squid does not at current support
large-file support for logs, and does die if log file exceeds 2gb, so you
have to rotate frequently.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Toby Dickenson [mailto:tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 8:34 AM
> To: george donnelly; zope@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Squid vs Apache+mod_proxy+mod_gzip
> On Saturday 07 June 2003 19:30, george donnelly wrote:
> > My question is, in your experience, how does Squid match up 
> against Apache
> > 1.3 + mod_proxy + mod_gzip in the areas of speed and robustness?
> I am happy with squid so far. Ive never felt its speed or 
> robustness lacking.
> Its SSL handling is a little less mature.... I have had some 
> problems in the 
> past, but havent been able determine whether the blame lies 
> with openssl or 
> squid.
> No problems big enough to drive me back to apache though.
> > also, with squid, how do people get useful logs for 
> analysis by awstats etc
> > out of it? based on what I've looked at, the logs are not 
> as detailed as
> > those given by apache.
> The squid native log has extra fields relating to proxying 
> that apache logs do 
> not (for example, which back-end zope server handled the 
> request, and why 
> that one was chosen). I am using Analog which parses this log nicely, 
> ignoring the fields that it doesnt know about.
> The squid native log is missing referrer and user agent 
> information, but those 
> fields are stored in seperate log files.
> Is there anything else you thought was missing?
> -- 
> Toby Dickenson
> http://www.geminidataloggers.com/people/tdickenson
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