[Zope] external method problems...
Dieter Maurer
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 19:55:27 +0200
Jeffrey Hood wrote at 2003-6-26 17:32 -0400:
> I have an external method (which makes a SOAP call) which when running the
> test on, works and returns data as expected... however, with the following
> tal code:
> ...
> <table border="1" tal:define="data python:here.getRecords()['item']">
> <tr tal:repeat="record data">
> <td tal:content="python:record[0]">record item 1</td>
> ...
> I am getting a basic authentication box... which I don't want... and
> additionally, no matter if I type in a valid superuser login and password,
> the box just keeps coming up...
What type of object is "record"?
What type is "record[i]"?
Either one seems to be an instance without security declarations.
Convert the "record" into a dictionary (in your External Method) or
give "record[i]" the necessary security declarations (see
Zope Developer Guide, for details).
> I'm guessing that there is some kind of
> permission problem, although I don't know why calling it via the url
> anonymously (http://...../getRecords) returns the same as the test... is
> there something that I am missing in tal to call the external method that
> requires setting some permissions ?
You may have encountered a security bug!
ZPublisher (more precisely "BaseResponse") converts the result
into a string (calling "str"). This is done from unrestricted
code. It may reveal information which is not available from
restricted code (as your TAL).
Please file a bug report.