[Zope] restoring deleted data
J Cameron Cooper
Mon, 03 Mar 2003 13:08:29 -0600
>When I came in last week, I found that my system administrator had
>completely deleted my version of zope. Everything was gone - the server,
>the installation program, the supporting software, ect....
>I was just wondering if there was a way to recover any of my code or to
>restore the site, without re-doing everything. If there is documentation
>about this on one of the zope sites, feel free to point me to it.
Yikes. Well, unless your sysadmin also made a backup, I'm afraid you're
out of luck unless:
-- the var/Data.fs file is still around. If you set up an INSTANCE_HOME
type installation, this is possible, since the data would reside in a
different place than the program. Or maybe the var directory survived by
chance in a regular install. If you can find it, all you need do is
replace the file of the same name in a new install and you'll be up and
running (provided your new install has all the necessary products
-- you can figure out how to do some "undeleting" on your operating
system. This is usually difficult, but not impossible. If there hasn't
been much activity on that computer, it's likely your old data is still
around, though inaccessible. Again, the only thing you need be
interested in is Data.fs (and any custom products/external methods you
may have developed.) If your OS has no good native facilites for this
(most don't) there are third-party programs and data-recovery businesses
that can get even heavily deleted data back.
-- it is mostly a static site and someone managed to archive it. Good
possibilities are Google and Internet Archive (archive.org). This
doesn't work unless was publically visible.