[Zope] Adaptable Storage Problem

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 20:58:58 +0100

Andrew Veitch wrote at 2003-3-2 20:52 +0000:
 > I've got a problem with AdaptableStorage. If I set up a folder with
 > AdaptableStorage I can add a CMF site to it but not a Plone site. I get:
 > ....
 > RuntimeError: Unable to pickle the '_catalog' attribute, <Catalog instance
 > at 99526d0>, of <CatalogTool instance at 995d650> at
 > ('/fs/test2/portal_catalog',).  Cannot pickle <extension class
 > Acquisition.ImplicitAcquirerWrapper at 40233ca0> objects.
 > I don't understand how a portal_catalog won't pickle with AdaptableStorage
 > but will with the ZODB.

This was today explained in "zope-dev@zope.org". Please read its archive.
