[Zope] anyone? Help getting the correct URL from absolute_url
or portal_url
J Cameron Cooper
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 14:19:30 -0600
> Yes we have done this purposefully.
I was just making sure that you weren't having a problem where it was
mysteriously switching ports (which would be really bizarre.)
> The main app is served from Silverstream java appserver (soon to be
> transitioned to Websphere :) ). All of our reference content is in
> ZOPE. It's an internal web application so users are limited in
> bookmarking (security/HIPAA issues) and the other reasons that frames
> don't make sense for the general web populace don't factor in for us.
You got me. I won't try to talk you out of frames, then.
> We have multiple instances of ZOPE running so unfortunately I can't
> hard code any urls. I have to rely on the CMF and ZOPE to return the
> correct path for images and items via the absolute_url property or
> whatever property will give the correct url.
That's what I meant, actually. What method are you using to construct
your URLs, how does it render, and where does it actually point?
(Mozilla/Netscape's View Info should be helpful in this.)
I suspect that a proper base tag will let you use relative URLs
correctly, unless your browser/browsers in general don't work this way.
(I really can't speak as to how that works in frames.) In which case,
you'll have to generate port-containing URLs from Zope.