[Zope] Newbie: Exception Handling questions

Luis Mariano Luporini lluporini@yahoo.com.ar
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 03:41:56 -0300

Hi list:
        I'm trying to learn more about Zope/Python. I think it's a 
really great tool.

        Now my situation:

        I'm using Zope 2.6.1 w/ Python 2.1.3, z/psycopg 1.1.2 and 
Postgres 7.3 on Gentoo Linux.

        I have a connection open to the pg server, I can 
select/delete/insert/update without problems.

        I have now a ZSql method that performs an insert and I have a 
Python Script that calls it. I'd like to check if the execution of the 
insert operation was succesful and if not, the reason.

        Now the questions:

        1) I've read about try/except and StandarError.
            if I use something like:

                        some statement
                except StandardError, e:
                        print e

        I got a whole string containing the sql executed an a 
description of the error. So what is e really? Can I get an error 
number, description and more information out of e? If not how can i do it?

        2) Trying to specialize the exception treated I changed 
StandardError for IntegrityError/DatabaseError but in both cases i got:

        *Error Type: NameError*
*        Error Value: global name 'DatabaseError/IntegrityError' is not 

        Then i added to the script "import psycopg", with the same 
results and finally tried "import psycopg.Error" and got

        *Error Type: ImportError*
*        Error Value: import of "psycopg.Error" is unauthorized

        So which way I have to go?

        Thanks in advance.



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