[Zope] properties of ZPT
Andreas Pakulat
Thu, 22 May 2003 22:26:09 +0200
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On 22.Mai 2003 - 20:14:54, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote at 2003-5-22 00:13 +0200:
> > I've got a small thing with ZPT here. My template got a property
> > "activetab", which represents the number of the active tab in the
> > template. This affects mainly the coloring of table headers. My problem
> > is how to change this property by clicking on a link within one of the
> > tabs?! My first thought was to use a script, but how do I tell the
> > script which tab/link was clicked on? Or can I directly change the
> > property by linking to the template?
> Do not use a property for this!
> Which tab is active is *not* a property of the object
> but of the visit history.
> Encode the information in the URL or in a session.
> Look at the ZMI for an example (--> "App/dtml/manage_tabs.dtml")
> how to do this.
> Coding "activeness" in the template has 2 serious drawbacks:
> * visits by other persons change the object state, I see
> * each visit causes the template to be written to the ZODB
> leading to unnecessary write operations (potential conflict
> errors) and an unnecessary ZODB growth.
That's right, came to my mind, as I saw my page template this morning.
I think I was a bit blind about that.
Try to value useful qualities in one who loves you.
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