[Zope] Hardware requirements: cpu or memory?

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Mon Oct 6 11:43:15 EDT 2003

--On Montag, 6. Oktober 2003 17:41 Uhr +0200 Wouter Vanden Hove 
<atheist at pandora.be> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have Zope and Plone installed on a Pentium 266Mh with 64 MB Memory.
> And the site is running slow.
> What is the most simple (and cheapest) way to increase its speeds?
> A new CPU, or could buying some more memory (like 256Mb) be enough?

Your hardware is obsolete.  Try more RAM and then a new CPU.
Best to degrade your P266 to a door stopper.


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