[Zope] Re: Integrating IIS and Plone -- everything works ... except images!

Ken Wasetis kwasetis at sprinc.com
Fri Oct 31 16:57:34 EST 2003

If you're using some rewrite rule (whatever equivalent for IIS), so that 
users hit a pretty URL and not port 8080, it could be that your image 
src= references are trying to look under yoursite.com:8080 still. 
Right-click on the image and view properties.  What is the URL?  Try 
hitting that URL directly in the browser.  If you can't hit it in your 
browser to just view that image only, then the page can't find it either.

You might have to create another URL rewrite rule (mapping rule, etc.) 
so that all :8080 requests go to the right place.  Or, if you're 
creating the links to those images dynamically (repeat/content tags) 
then you may also do some 'pythong:string.replace(myURLString, ':8080', 
'') which will remove all :8080 strings of your URL.

Hope something here helps you.  Hard to offer advice without knowing 
exaclty what the problem is.



Jason LeMonier wrote:
> Hey all,
> I followed this document "Connecting IIS to Zope" 
> http://www.zope.org/Members/hiperlogica/ASP404 successfully.
>     - I did have to place the Virtual Host Monster in /Plone instead of 
> at the root.
>     - Beta 2 worked, 1 didn't.
> But, none of my images stored in ZODB are getting resolved.
>   Navigation works, pages work, database stuff ok, just not images???
> any ideas?
> many thanks! 
> Jason LeMonier
> Software Engineer
> Retail Technologies International
> Office   916.605.7262
> Mobile  415.595.0969
> Fax      916-914-2132
> jlemonier at RetailPro.com
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