[Zope] Re: Zope Digest, Vol 2, Issue 38

Ian Beatty beatty at physics.umass.edu
Fri Sep 26 08:40:47 EDT 2003

On 2003-09-26 4:50, "David Hassalevris" <bluepaul at earthlink.net> is reputed
to have said:

> has anyone used, and had good experience with:
> http://www.zettai.net/
> i'm after a cheap(ish) zope host that isn't going to disappear
> overnight!

I've got an account with them, and I've been absolutely thrilled. Very good
range of services, excellent price, and fast, attentive support. I wish my
university's IT department were as well run. Or my own server, for that

..Ian Beatty

-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
  Dr. Ian Beatty                       webmaster at physics.umass.edu
  Webmaster, Department of Physics     voice: 413.545.9483
  Univ. of Massachusetts               fax:   413.545.4884
  Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA           http://www.physics.umass.edu/
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