[Zope] Python error: object does not support item or slice assignment

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Sun Sep 28 16:16:06 EDT 2003

Florian Lindner wrote at 2003-9-27 13:55 +0200:
 > Dieter Maurer wrote:
 > ...
 > > You may set the "__ac_name" too late to have any effect on
 > > authentication. Usually, authentication has already taken place
 > > when you get control; exception: AccessRules (or other
 > > "__before_publishing_traverse__" and "__bobo_traverse__" hooks).
 > I don't think so.
 > The fact is that Zope doesn't even know that this is a log in page.
 > It's a page to login BEFORE requesting protected content. So the first 
 > contact with Zope authentification is on
 >    userObject = self.acl_users.validate(REQUEST)

Zope does the authentication even for non-protected content.
When there is not authentication info, the result will
be the "Anonymous user".


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