[Zope] Re: Up to date Zope documentation?
Andreas Tille
tillea at rki.de
Fri Apr 2 06:03:40 EST 2004
On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, Cormac McClean wrote:
> However, now that I'm beginning development, I need up to date
> documentation. I have a copy of the Zope Book V2.6 pdf, but I'm
> wondering how useful it will be given that the current version of Zope
> is 2.7.
I'm not sure whether the PDF is a daily build, however for building
the Debian packages I check out the "source" with the script appended
to the end of this mail. If you apply the diff available at
you have all things to build your own plain HTML or PDF even if not using
Debian GNU/Linux, where 'apt-get install zope-book' is enough. It was
updated yesterday by chance...
> Also, the Zope Developers Guide on zope.org is version 2.4. Am I right
> in thinking that this is a guide for Zope 2.4, rather than version 2.4
> of the Guide? Perhaps the ZDG has been incorporated into versino 2.6 of
> the Zope Book?
I think not and it's a shame that it is this outdated.
> I have a similar question regarding the Zope Administrator's Guide
> Project. The project has stalled since Jan 2002, according to
> http://zope.org/DocProjects/AdminGuide/Project/FrontPage
I think it is even worse.
Kind regards
## Script to obtain current zope book stx + images
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
mkdir -p ${DIR}
cd ${DIR}
# get stx
# wget -N http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/index_html
# wget -N http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/
wget -N -q http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/current
mv view index_html
echo "Downloading stx-files ..."
cat index_html | \
grep "\.stx" | \
sed -e "s?^.*\(http://\)?echo -n '.'; wget -N -q \1?" \
-e "s?\([^/]*\.stx\).*?\1/document_src; mv document_src \1?" | \
cat > getstx
chmod 755 getstx
rm getstx
echo ""
for stx in `ls *.stx` ; do
# remove ^M and backtalk comments
mv ${stx} ${stx}~
cat ${stx}~ | \
perl -pe 's/\r//g' | \
sed "/^[[:space:]]\+% [[:alnum:][:space:]_]\+ - [[:alnum:]]\{3,4\}\.* [0-9]\+, [0-9]\{4\} [0-9]\+:[0-9]\+/,/^$/d" | \
cat > ${stx}
rm ${stx}~
if grep -q "^[[:space:]]\+% " *.stx ; then
echo "Some remaing comments found ..."
grep "^[[:space:]]\+% " *.stx
# get figures
mkdir -p ${fig}
grep "img" *.stx > ${fig}/imgs
cd ${fig}
cat imgs | \
grep ${fig} | \
sed -e "s?^.*\(${fig}\)/?echo -n '.'; wget -N -q ${MAIN}/\1/?" | \
sort | uniq | \
cat > figures
chmod 755 figures
echo "Downloading images ..."
echo ""
rm imgs figures
if file -b -i * | sort | uniq | grep -q -v "^image" ; then
echo "It seems that there where some files downloaded which are no images ..."
file -i * | sort | grep -v ":[[:space:]]\+image"
echo "I'm going to move these files to directory Non-${fig}."
mkdir ../Non-${fig}
## some strange characters avoid propper moving so fix this first ...
mv login_form* ../Non-${fig}
for nonimg in `file -i * | grep -v ":[[:space:]]\+image" | sed "s/:.*//"` ; do
mv "$nonimg" ../Non-${fig}
cd ..
# get css and js
#grep "http.*backtalk" index_html | \
# grep -v backtalk.book_pdf_form | \
# grep -v backtalk.book_view | \
# sed -e "s?^.*[fc]=\"\(.*\)\".*?wget -N \1?" \
# -e "s/.*\(backtalk\)_\(.*\)/&; mv \1_\2 \1.\2/" | \
# uniq | \
#cat > getstyle
#grep "\.css\"" index_html | \
# sed -e "s?^.*[fc]=\"\(.*\)\".*?wget -N \1?" | \
#cat >> getstyle
#chmod 755 getstyle
#[ -s plonePrint.css ] && ln -s plonePrint.css backtalk.css
#rm ./getstyle
wget -N -q http://zope.org/plone.css
# get Zope button image
wget -N -q http://www.zope.org/p_/ZopeButton
mv ZopeButton ZopeButton.jpg
# prepare index.html
cat index_html | \
sed -e "s?${URLS}/\(.*\.\)stx?\1html?g" \
-e "s?${URLS}/\(backtalk\)_?\1.?" | \
perl -ne '$f=1;
chomp; s/\r//; print "$_\n" ;
while (<>) {
chomp; s/\r//;
if ($f) {
print "$_\n";
if (/<body>/) {$f=0 ;}
if (!$f) {
if (/<b>The Zope Book/) { print "$_\n"; }
if (/<table class="listing">/) { $f=1; }
}' | \
sed -e "/<thead>/,/<.thead>/d" \
-e "s/<tbody>/<table>/" \
-e "/<base href=\"http:/d" \
-e "/<\/tbody>/d" | \
perl -ne '$f=1;
chomp; print "$_\n" ;
while (<>) {
if ($f) {
print "$_\n";
if (?</table>?) {$f=0 ;}
if (!$f && ?</body>?) {
print "$_\n";
}' | \
perl -ne '$f=1;
chomp; print "$_\n" ;
while (<>) {
if ($f) {
print "$_\n";
if (?</title>?) {$f=0 ;}
if (!$f && ?</head>?) {
print "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"plone.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ;
print "$_\n";
}' | \
cat > index.html
rm index_html
cd ..
tar -czf ${TAR} ${DIR}
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