[Zope] Re: Up to date Zope documentation?
Cormac McClean
cmcclean at ait.ie
Fri Apr 2 06:10:07 EST 2004
Hi Andreas,
Many thanks for your detailed reply. As it happens I use Knoppix and
should be able to apt-get the latest version of the Zope Book - I didn't
know it was available in this format.
Many thanks,
Andreas Tille wrote:
>On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, Cormac McClean wrote:
>>However, now that I'm beginning development, I need up to date
>>documentation. I have a copy of the Zope Book V2.6 pdf, but I'm
>>wondering how useful it will be given that the current version of Zope
>>is 2.7.
>I'm not sure whether the PDF is a daily build, however for building
>the Debian packages I check out the "source" with the script appended
>to the end of this mail. If you apply the diff available at
> http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/z/zope-book/zope-book_20040401-1.diff.gz
>you have all things to build your own plain HTML or PDF even if not using
>Debian GNU/Linux, where 'apt-get install zope-book' is enough. It was
>updated yesterday by chance...
>>Also, the Zope Developers Guide on zope.org is version 2.4. Am I right
>>in thinking that this is a guide for Zope 2.4, rather than version 2.4
>>of the Guide? Perhaps the ZDG has been incorporated into versino 2.6 of
>>the Zope Book?
>I think not and it's a shame that it is this outdated.
>>I have a similar question regarding the Zope Administrator's Guide
>>Project. The project has stalled since Jan 2002, according to
>> http://zope.org/DocProjects/AdminGuide/Project/FrontPage
>I think it is even worse.
>Kind regards
> Andreas.
>## Script to obtain current zope book stx + images
>DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
>mkdir -p ${DIR}
>cd ${DIR}
># get stx
># wget -N http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/index_html
># wget -N http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/
>wget -N -q http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/current
>mv view index_html
>echo "Downloading stx-files ..."
>cat index_html | \
> grep "\.stx" | \
> sed -e "s?^.*\(http://\)?echo -n '.'; wget -N -q \1?" \
> -e "s?\([^/]*\.stx\).*?\1/document_src; mv document_src \1?" | \
>cat > getstx
>chmod 755 getstx
>rm getstx
>echo ""
>for stx in `ls *.stx` ; do
> # remove ^M and backtalk comments
> mv ${stx} ${stx}~
> cat ${stx}~ | \
> perl -pe 's/\r//g' | \
> sed "/^[[:space:]]\+% [[:alnum:][:space:]_]\+ - [[:alnum:]]\{3,4\}\.* [0-9]\+, [0-9]\{4\} [0-9]\+:[0-9]\+/,/^$/d" | \
> cat > ${stx}
> rm ${stx}~
>if grep -q "^[[:space:]]\+% " *.stx ; then
> echo "Some remaing comments found ..."
> grep "^[[:space:]]\+% " *.stx
># get figures
>mkdir -p ${fig}
>grep "img" *.stx > ${fig}/imgs
>cd ${fig}
>cat imgs | \
> grep ${fig} | \
> sed -e "s?^.*\(${fig}\)/?echo -n '.'; wget -N -q ${MAIN}/\1/?" | \
> sort | uniq | \
> cat > figures
>chmod 755 figures
>echo "Downloading images ..."
>echo ""
>rm imgs figures
>if file -b -i * | sort | uniq | grep -q -v "^image" ; then
> echo "It seems that there where some files downloaded which are no images ..."
> file -i * | sort | grep -v ":[[:space:]]\+image"
> echo "I'm going to move these files to directory Non-${fig}."
> mkdir ../Non-${fig}
> ## some strange characters avoid propper moving so fix this first ...
> mv login_form* ../Non-${fig}
> for nonimg in `file -i * | grep -v ":[[:space:]]\+image" | sed "s/:.*//"` ; do
> mv "$nonimg" ../Non-${fig}
> done
>cd ..
># get css and js
>#grep "http.*backtalk" index_html | \
># grep -v backtalk.book_pdf_form | \
># grep -v backtalk.book_view | \
># sed -e "s?^.*[fc]=\"\(.*\)\".*?wget -N \1?" \
># -e "s/.*\(backtalk\)_\(.*\)/&; mv \1_\2 \1.\2/" | \
># uniq | \
>#cat > getstyle
>#grep "\.css\"" index_html | \
># sed -e "s?^.*[fc]=\"\(.*\)\".*?wget -N \1?" | \
>#cat >> getstyle
>#chmod 755 getstyle
>#[ -s plonePrint.css ] && ln -s plonePrint.css backtalk.css
>#rm ./getstyle
>wget -N -q http://zope.org/plone.css
># get Zope button image
>wget -N -q http://www.zope.org/p_/ZopeButton
>mv ZopeButton ZopeButton.jpg
># prepare index.html
>cat index_html | \
> sed -e "s?${URLS}/\(.*\.\)stx?\1html?g" \
> -e "s?${URLS}/\(backtalk\)_?\1.?" | \
> perl -ne '$f=1;
> chomp; s/\r//; print "$_\n" ;
> while (<>) {
> chomp; s/\r//;
> if ($f) {
> print "$_\n";
> if (/<body>/) {$f=0 ;}
> }
> if (!$f) {
> if (/<b>The Zope Book/) { print "$_\n"; }
> if (/<table class="listing">/) { $f=1; }
> }
> }' | \
> sed -e "/<thead>/,/<.thead>/d" \
> -e "s/<tbody>/<table>/" \
> -e "/<base href=\"http:/d" \
> -e "/<\/tbody>/d" | \
> perl -ne '$f=1;
> chomp; print "$_\n" ;
> while (<>) {
> if ($f) {
> print "$_\n";
> if (?</table>?) {$f=0 ;}
> }
> if (!$f && ?</body>?) {
> print "$_\n";
> $f=1;
> }
> }' | \
> perl -ne '$f=1;
> chomp; print "$_\n" ;
> while (<>) {
> if ($f) {
> print "$_\n";
> if (?</title>?) {$f=0 ;}
> }
> if (!$f && ?</head>?) {
> print "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"plone.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ;
> print "$_\n";
> $f=1;
> }
> }' | \
>cat > index.html
>rm index_html
>cd ..
>tar -czf ${TAR} ${DIR}
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