[Zope] Re: Windows Carriage Returns

Will Smith witisi at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 11 09:02:27 EDT 2004

hpinson at indepthl.com wrote:
> Windows carriage returns in ZPT documents are becoming the bane of my 
> existance.
> Can anyone suggest a way to search a file for this and convert them 
> to UNIX style carriage returns.
> Preferably in Textpad, but a UNIX/Linux based technique (Emacs?) 
> would be helpful too.
> I can't be the only one experience the explosion of this problem...
> Harlow Pinson
> Indepth Learning
> Email: hpinson at indepthl.com 
> Web: http://www.indepthl.com
> Voice: 505-994-2135
> FAX: 208-475-7678
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I have never run into this regarding zope directly, but I have seen it 
alot in other applications.  dos2unix and unix2dos are two helpful linux 
commands that I have used.  dos2unix will fix the CR/LF.  Its pretty 
handy and can use wildcards.

Also found this link on the internet that describes a few different way 
to do it.

Will Smith

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