Dangerous SiteRoot [WAS: Re: [Zope] Basic problem with zope behind apache: no images, no frames, etc.]

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Dec 16 11:57:37 EST 2004

On 16.Dec 2004 - 17:03:34, Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
> On Dec 16, 2004, at 16:27, Alan Snyder wrote:
> SiteRoot objects are dangerous because they can lock you out of your 
> Zope instance easily. They should *not* be used anymore. 
> VirtualHostMonster is the way to go. It even has standalone virtual 
> host mapping capabilities without using rewrite rules from proxies on 
> its "Mappings" tab.

Let me hook onto that: I have site that was created by be, but
somebody else but it behind an apache and opened it to the web. I'd
like to remove the SiteRoot, but this makes the port of zope visible
to everybody :-(

So the current config looks like this:

The apache rewrites access to the servername to another hostname with
the zope-Port like this:

<VirtualHost server:80>
	ServerName fqdn_for_zope
	RewriteEngine On
	RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://fqdn_for_zope.de:8080/$1 [P]

I have a VHM in zope to make ls-dbis the root for server:

ls-dbis is the site and has a SiteRoot like this:

Base: http://fqdn_for_zope.de
Path: /

As far as I understand it, this make the :8080 Port invisible when
acessing the site. How can I do the same with apache-VirtualHost and
VHM only? (Especially for the apache part I'm the wrong one)


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