[Zope] Plone bewilderment

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Tue Feb 10 18:28:43 EST 2004

I suggest taking this to the Plone maillist, as this is no longer a
general Zope issue.

On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 17:51, John Poltorak wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 04:58:02PM -0500, Paul Howell wrote:
> > At 03:55 PM 2/10/2004, John Poltorak wrote:
> > >Well I have Plone installed now, but don't have a clue about how it all
> > >hangs together. It seems pretty overpowering.
> > >
> > >Where do I start trying to understand what is going on?
> > 
> >     Play, John.  At least "play" is what I consider it, because it is that 
> > fun to learn.
> Yes, it's fun to learn, but it's no fun when things don't work.
> I can't even get the hang of changing the skin of a basic site to see what 
> difference it makes...
> I've changed the the Skin selection under portal_skins->Properties to 
> Mozilla New, saved it, but don't see any difference. The Plone book makes 
> it sound so simple, and it probably is when it works. It says:-
> >>
>  If users are allowed to change their skins, they can go to the my 
> preferences screen and change it there.
> <<
> But what have I done at this particular point? The default skin is 
> supposed to be set but I don't see any difference. When does the page get 
> updated?
> >     Build a site using Plone that starts to include some of the 
> > functionality that you require.  Read through each of the howtos on the 
> > Plone site and try to use 5 or 10 of them, to see what they do for you -- 
> > doing so will give you ideas about what is possible in the world of 
> > Plone.  Twiddle with various options to see what they do, and whether you 
> > like the result.
> I'd prefer a few less options to begi with ;-)....
> >     There will still be occasional moments of bewilderment, but try try try 
> > new things, and read read reread every piece of documentation you can find, 
> > both formal and in the list archives.  This is how the rest of the 
> > Zope/Plone community learns.  Read first, try four times, ask the list last 
> > when you are more sure of what the scope of your problem is, and what it is 
> > NOT.
> > =Paul

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