[Zope] "Undo changes" strange behaviour of permission propagation

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Wed Feb 25 16:23:58 EST 2004

robert rottermann wrote at 2004-2-25 08:12 +0100:
> ...
>[ s for s in map(lambda x : len(x['selected']) and x['name'], 
>context.rolesOfPermission('Undo changes')) if s]
>I do not get the inherited roles but only the ones assigned to the 
>folder I perform the test on.
>If I do the same for "View" I get also the inherited permissions.

Are you sure? It may look so as you may get a default
(see "AccessControl.Permission.Permission.getRoles", last lines).

>Should not rolesOfPermission also return the inherited roles ?

I do not think so.


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