[Zope] zope product, object manager problem

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 14 21:20:25 EDT 2004

>>>>> "David" == David Hassalevris <bluepaul at earthlink.net> writes:

    David> Hey John, Shouldn't your class also inherit from
    David> Globals.Persistent and Aquisition.Implicit?  

SimpleItem, from which my PersonImplemetation derives, already derives
from these two classes, but you got my hopes up for a minute :-).
Perhaps there is some initialization call for classes that derive from
Globals.Persistent to make it do it's thing?

    David> BTW the Zope Bible has does good job describing the zope
    David> product developement.  David

Thanks, I'll take a look.


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