[Zope] zope product, object manager problem

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 14 22:31:36 EDT 2004

>>>>> "David" == David Hassalevris <bluepaul at earthlink.net> writes:

    David> Hey John, SimpleItem imports the mods but the Item Class
    David> does not inherit from them.  If I am wrong on this *sorry*
    David> lol.

    David> I referred to the Zope Bible and its example product class
    David> does this:
    David> -----------------------------------------------------------
    >> From OFS.SimpleItem import Item From Globals import Persistent
    >> From Acuisition import Implict

    David> class helloClass(Item,Persistent, Implicit)

>From the src code of SimpleItem.py

class SimpleItem(Item, Globals.Persistent,

I think what you are saying is true for Item, but I am deriving from

If you have any more suggestions, I all ears....


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