[Zope] Maintaining Zope => packing

Tino Wildenhain tino at wildenhain.de
Tue Nov 16 04:15:09 EST 2004


Am Dienstag, den 16.11.2004, 09:15 +0100 schrieb Serge Renfer:
> Hi all,
> I'm managing several zope instances on a Solaris machine, and I'd like  
> to pack them through crontab, as it is showed in the zope book.
> http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/ 
> MaintainingZope.stx
> There are several root users on this machine, and I don't want to have  
> a crontab visible (with password in clear) by others with manager  
> rights.
> To connect to a zope instance, for security reason, I would have liked  
> to have a user that could do only packing of the base. But there is no  
> "security tab" in the in the database page of the control panel. So I  
> cannot make a local role at this level.
> Is there another way to give a user only this right (packing the  
> database) or should I renonce!
> Thank you in advance for your answer(s)!

You could make a small python script for the user and
protect it the way you want. Forbid access to Control_Panel
alltogether for these users (e.g. dont make them Manager
at / ) and use Proxy roles on the scripts (make sure
you removed "Change Python Scripts" in  this context.


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