[Zope] Lost the path to my DTMLFile in my product

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Wed Sep 1 15:26:57 EDT 2004

Jonathan Cyr wrote at 2004-8-31 13:06 -0500:
>I've written a python product that loads DTML pages from a /dtml folder in my product... works fine.
>When I moved my environment to Linux, Zope is still looking on my old heirarchy.
>Error Log Snippet:
>2004-08-31T07:23:24 PROBLEM(100) ZPublisher DTML file 'C:\Apollo1-Zope-271\Products\WWWedding\dtml/index_html.dtml' could not be read

This means that somewhere in your product, there is still the old path.


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