[Zope] Re: Windows compile Zope 2.8?

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 18:58:00 EDT 2005

[David H]
> Thanks for responding.  I tried the suggestion:
>  C:\Zope-2.8.0a2> python.exe setup.py build_ext --inplace
>  and the thing runs for a while (good sign, as visual c 6.0 is compiling
> things) then I get this:
> building 'Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.Splitter.ISO_8859_1_Splitter.ISO_8859_1_Splitter' extension
> creating build\temp.win32-2.3\Release\Products\PluginIndexes\TextIndex\Splitter\ISO_8859_1_Splitter
> creating build\temp.win32-2.3\Release\Products\PluginIndexes\TextIndex\Splitter\ISO_8859_1_Splitter\src
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /MD /W3 /GX /DNDEBUG -IC:\python23\include -IC:\python23\PC /TcProducts/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/ISO_8859_1_Splitter/src/ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c /Fobuild\temp.win32-2.3\Release\Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/ISO_8859_1_Splitter/src/ISO_8859_1_Splitter.obj  ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c
> fatal error C1083: 
> Cannot open source file: 
> 'Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/ISO_8859_1_Splitter/src/ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c':
>    No such file or directory
> error: command '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe"'
> failed with exit status 2
> When I inspect
> 'Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/ISO_8859_1_Splitter/src
> I find only one file and its:
> ISO_8859_000064 (no extension).

>From where did you obtain the Zope source code?  The file it's looking
for should be there.

For the heck of it, on WinXP I just downloaded Zope-2.8.0-a2.tgz from


then unpacked it using WinZip 9.0 SR-1.  No problems:  build_ext -i
worked fine, and:

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 5C0F-48E6

 Directory of C:\Zope-2.8.0-a2\lib\python\Products\PluginIndexes\TextIndex\Splitter\ISO_8859_1_Splitter\src

04/09/2005  06:49 PM    <DIR>          .
04/09/2005  06:49 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/02/2005  04:26 AM            15,437 ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c
               1 File(s)         15,437 bytes

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