[Zope] Re: Windows compile Zope 2.8?

David H bluepaul at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 9 19:29:09 EDT 2005

Tim Peters wrote:

>[David H]
>>Thanks for responding.  I tried the suggestion:
>> C:\Zope-2.8.0a2> python.exe setup.py build_ext --inplace
>> and the thing runs for a while (good sign, as visual c 6.0 is compiling
>>things) then I get this:
>>building 'Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.Splitter.ISO_8859_1_Splitter.ISO_8859_1_Splitter' extension
>>creating build\temp.win32-2.3\Release\Products\PluginIndexes\TextIndex\Splitter\ISO_8859_1_Splitter
>>creating build\temp.win32-2.3\Release\Products\PluginIndexes\TextIndex\Splitter\ISO_8859_1_Splitter\src
>>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /MD /W3 /GX /DNDEBUG -IC:\python23\include -IC:\python23\PC /TcProducts/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/ISO_8859_1_Splitter/src/ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c /Fobuild\temp.win32-2.3\Release\Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/ISO_8859_1_Splitter/src/ISO_8859_1_Splitter.obj  ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c
>>fatal error C1083: 
>>Cannot open source file: 
>>   No such file or directory
>>error: command '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe"'
>>failed with exit status 2
>>When I inspect
>>I find only one file and its:
>>ISO_8859_000064 (no extension).
>>From where did you obtain the Zope source code?  The file it's looking
>for should be there.
>For the heck of it, on WinXP I just downloaded Zope-2.8.0-a2.tgz from
>    http://www.zope.org/Products/Zope/2.8.0a2
>then unpacked it using WinZip 9.0 SR-1.  No problems:  build_ext -i
>worked fine, and:
> Volume in drive C has no label.
> Volume Serial Number is 5C0F-48E6
> Directory of C:\Zope-2.8.0-a2\lib\python\Products\PluginIndexes\TextIndex\Splitter\ISO_8859_1_Splitter\src
>04/09/2005  06:49 PM    <DIR>          .
>04/09/2005  06:49 PM    <DIR>          ..
>04/02/2005  04:26 AM            15,437 ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c
>               1 File(s)         15,437 bytes
Wow thats great.  I'll do it all over again.  Thanks for the tip (i just 
reviewed my download using Ultimate Zip (which has been reliable in the 
past) and the key files are missing.  Odd.

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