[Zope] Security on email.Message.Message

Tim Hicks tim at sitefusion.co.uk
Tue Apr 12 11:41:23 EDT 2005

Andreas Jung said:

>>     Module RestrictedPython.Guards, line 96, in handler
>>   TypeError: object does not support item or slice assignment
>> Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?
> Move your code into an external method which is less painful than dealing
> with module security issues. As an alternative: look at
> TrustedExecutables.

Thanks Andreas.

I suppose I could move the code to a product (which I would prefer over an
external method), but it seems a little heavy-weight for my requirements.

In fact, generally, I think I would like to be able to use
email.Message.Message instances in TTW code, so if anyone does know what's
going wrong here, I'd be most pleased to hear.


ps Is it me or is the traceback I'm seeing not particularly helpful?  I
mean, I know that these objects *do* support the dictionary interface!

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