[Zope] Charset

Daniel Dekany ddekany at freemail.hu
Thu Apr 28 09:48:03 EDT 2005

Thursday, April 28, 2005, 3:11:01 PM, Peter Eis wrote:

> Jean at adimp.ch wrote:
>>Hello the list,
>>   In Zope.conf ( ZOPE 2.7.5-final ) I changed "rest-input-encoding" and
>>"rest-output-encoding" to send "UTF-8" and then restarted the server. But in my
>>webbrowser, the files are always received in "windows-1252".
> Do you access zope directly or are you running behind a web server like
> apache?
> In the latter you'll have to change the default encoding in the apache
> config, too.

Out of curiosity: How is that? I would think that Zope creates the whole
HTTP response (so including the Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
header). OK, mod proxy and such may change some headers in it, but the
Content-Type's charset? The charset is about the HTTP response body,
which is surely created inside Zope.

> Peter

Best regards,
 Daniel Dekany

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