[Zope] Re: when can a product be refreshed?

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Thu Feb 3 11:51:25 EST 2005

On Feb 3, 2005, at 17:36, Tres Seaver wrote:
> | After running into some other refresh glitches, which I
> | did not have the time to track down, I stopped using it.
> I don't even know what the big deal is about refresh anyway. I just run
> the 'zopect' shell in a terminal, using its 'fg' command, and hit
> '<Ctrl-C><Up><Enter>' to do a restart;  it takes maybe 5 seconds to
> restart, and I *never* have to worry about chasing down weird
> reload-semantics-in-python-are-borked artifacts.
> BTW, I would argue checking in 'refresh.txt' to CVS is not good form (I
> even see *released* producte with that file included!)

The "big deal" is that many people assume it to be some magic cure-all. 
Well, sorry folks, it isn't. And it has a tendency to introduce its own 
problems to boot.

I have always refused to use it myself. I have also gotten requests to 
include refresh.txt in the software I release from well-meaning people 
who are not aware of pitfalls. They never come back after I tell them 
my opinion about Refresh ;)


P.S.: I follow the same procedure, zopectl fg/CTRL-C/up-arrow/enter. 
Unfortunately there is one persistent issue on OS X where the CTRL-C 
stops working after I have used pdb in the foregrounded process. I can 
only kill Zope with CTRL-Z and then kill -9 %

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