[Zope] Re: POSKeyError on the Python Recompile URL

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Mar 11 13:52:57 EST 2005

Allen Schmidt wrote at 2005-3-11 10:58 -0500:
> ...
>My bad... The POSKeyError showed up on the browser window as a result of running the 
> "/manage_addProduct/PythonScripts/recompile"  script.
>Zope Error
>Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
>Error Type: POSKeyError
>Error Value: 00000000008db667
> ...
>  Module OFS.FindSupport, line 138, in ZopeFind
>  Module ZODB.Connection, line 559, in setstate
>  Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 749, in load
>  Module ZEO.ServerStub, line 82, in zeoLoad
>  Module ZEO.zrpc.connection, line 372, in call
>POSKeyError: 00000000008db667

To find the broken object, you call "recompile" in
an interactive Python interpreter (Under *nix:
bin/zopectl debug; followed by

You should get the same exception.

Then "from pdb import pm; pm()"
You are now in the Python debugger and can analyse the context
of the problem.
Go up with "up" until you arrive in "ZopeFind: line 138".
Look which object it wants to load. You might need to go
up another stack frame.


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