[Zope] OWASP relevance?

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Fri Mar 18 13:52:16 EST 2005

I hadn't heard of these before but all of them of them appear to require
some run-of-the-mill good coding practices and a few are helped by Zope

Unvaliated input - don't trust input from users if you use it
                   to construct, say, a SQL query.  Zope attempts
                   to mitigate/enforce this by encouraging you
                   to use special DTML tags for SQL methods.
                   Many other things exist here as well.

Broken access control - set Zope security up properly.

Broken auth and session management - use SSL only and don't store
                                     cookies persistently.

XSS - Zope's ZMI is resistant to this, you'll need to make sure
      your own app is too.  Huge topic, not always fixable.

Buffer overflows - none known that are exploitable via Zope itself.

Injection flaws - a nonissue for Zope proper, it doesn't
                  execute any system commands.  Might be a problem
                  for custom apps.

Improper error handing - turn off debug mode, get rid of 

Insure storage - encrypt your content.  Turn on password encryption
                 in your user folder.

Denial of service - totally a per-application sort of issue, you
                    need to "think like a scumbag" to fix most
                    of the issues.

Insecure configuration management - Zope ships "default secure" AFAIK.

- C

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 13:34, Bill Seitz wrote:
> Are any of the OWASP guidelines either (a) a non-risk by default in 
> Zope, or (b) documented  in terms of specific Zope practices to 
> follow/avoid?
> http://www.owasp.org/documentation/topten.html
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