[Zope] HTTPSConnection Python 2.3.4

Joshua Jacobson Josh at Fxuc.com
Thu Mar 31 06:12:41 EST 2005

On the same machine, my script works in python 2.3.4 outside of zope,
but it doesn't work in python 2.3.4 within zope as an external script.
There I get "sslerror: The read operation has timed out."

Here's the script:

 import httplib, urllib
 Action = 'Create'
 CreateFunction = 'Create using Function'
 WLP = '123'
 WLPPW = '456'
 params = urllib.urlencode({'CreateFunction':CreateFunction,
'Action':Action, 'WLP':WLP, 'WLPPW':WLPPW,
'ClientLoginId':ClientLoginID, 'ClientPassword':'ClientPassword'})
 headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Accept": "text/plain"}
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("xxxxx.xxxx.com")
conn.request("POST", "/ClientReg.asp", params, headers)
 response = conn.getresponse()
 data = response.read()

print data

Why I am I getting different response from within Zope versus without?




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